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Statement of Belief

We believe that the Word of God requires Christian parents to make every effort to train their children to love and to respect the Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason, the instruction of children in school, as well as in the home, must be in keeping with the teachings of the Word of God. We believe we must educate children so that they will serve as effective Christians in society.

God: There is one sovereign God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Bible: The Bible is the only verbally inspired, inerrant in the original text, and infallible Word of God, and therefore the supreme and final authoritative rule for faith and practice.

Creation: The universe originated by the creative act of God as revealed in the Scriptures. Creation and man's position over it can rightly be understood only in their relationship to the Triune God. In His creation, restoration and governance, He directs all things to the coming of His kingdom and the glorification of His name.

Man: God created mankind good and holy in His image, and endowed him with gifts to understand and to be a steward of creation, and gave him the mandate to use it wisely and develop fully to God's glory.

Sin: Because man sinned, man is alienated from God and from his fellow-men, and no longer can understand the meaning and purpose of creation and his own relationship to it.  Therefore, mankind tends to squander God's gifts in a selfish and reckless way, thus spoiling God's creation and inflicting suffering on his fellow man, and bringing dishonor to God's holy name. Because of sin, all men are under God's judgment, lost to eternal damnation. However, salvation is received by the grace of God, through personal faith in Christ Jesus, by the act of regeneration of life by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ: God's son, the Lord Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary, is the only mediator between man and God.  Through his atoning death on Calvary he makes it possible for those who believe in him to be received as children of God, and he empowers them through the Holy Spirit to seek to live in love and harmony with their fellow-man and to seek to love wisely and meaningfully with the gifts and resources of God's creation.

Holy Spirit: Through the indwelling by the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer, the believers are endowed with many gifts which empower them to serve one another and their fellow-men with deeds of love and helpfulness. Moreover, through the indwelling by the Holy Spirit, the believer, in light of God's Word, is again guided to understand the meaning and purpose of God's creation and his own place within it.

Culmination: Jesus Christ, who arose from the grave, who ascended into heaven, who is seated at the right hand of God the Father, will visibly return in power and glory. All the dead will be resurrected and along with those living will appear before his judgment seat, either to be permitted to enter into his glory, or to be condemned to hell. The new heaven and earth will be established where righteousness will dwell, where joy will be full and God will receive all the honor and glory.

Missions: As the Lord directs all things toward the final culmination of history, unto the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth, his people are charged with the responsibility of spreading the good news of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus throughout the whole earth.

Parents: It is the parents' responsibility to teach their children the love of the Lord and to train them for a life of obedience in His service.

Children: Children are of special concern to our Lord and at each stage of the individual development must be taught the love of the Lord and obedience to His ways, so they will mature and be enabled by the Spirit to serve him throughout their life on earth, and in the life hereafter to enjoy and praise His glory forever.

Schools: To facilitate proper spiritual and academic development of the children, schools which are based on the Bible are established and maintained by the combined efforts of the parents as an extension of the individual homes.

Christian Fellowship: Since the fellowship of believers through the bond of the Spirit, in love in Christ Jesus, has a concern for the children, the whole fellowship, not only the parents, shares in the responsibility to provide and maintain schools based on the Bible.

Teachers: Believing teachers are gifted by the Holy Spirit to instruct children according to God's Word and are responsible for the spiritual, academic and social structure of the education in the school. But since the school is an extension of the home, they are accountable to the parents through the School Board.

Educational Freedom: That Christian schools, organized and administered in accordance with legitimate standards and provisions for day schools, should be fully recognized in society as free to function according to these principles.