We are a non-denominational school that welcomes students from multiple area churches.
Delavan Christian School has six educational purposes that the school seeks to accomplish for each student.
- Intellectual Growth - Students will experience growth in their intellectual insight and knowledge. They will thirst for knowledge that teaches them how to analyze, sort out, appreciate, comprehend, see relationships, and imagine God's world.
- Moral Growth - Students will experience growth in moral development. They will internalize God's Law, they will make choices, they will develop healthy attitudes. Students will grow according to the Fruits of the Spirit outlined in Galatians 5:22-23.
- Creative Growth - Students will unwrap their God-given creative gifts in all areas of the school curriculum. Students will appreciate each individual's uniqueness and develop their creative expression.
- Physical Growth - Students will discover physical growth through kinesthetic and athletic experiences. They will see their bodies as temples of the Lord (1 Cor. 6:19).
- Emotional Growth - Students will discover their wide range of emotions and learn to share them appropriately in social and academic settings.
- Spiritual Growth - Students will discover God at work in the lives of all staff and students through his Holy Spirit. Students will seek to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
Delavan Christian School Statement of Philosophy
Why does Delavan Christian School exist?
- To develop and confirm in the student a true love for God by showing His excellencies as Creator, Provider, and Savior. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.
- To develop the student's concern for loving service to others and his/her capability of evaluating others' successes and failures in the present and past cultures. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
- To develop each student's God-given ability in the natural sciences, language, history, fine and practical arts so that he/she may be a productive and well-rounded person, exercising faithful stewardship to God's glory. Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.
- To create and foster a living, working partnership between the parents, students, and staff in the development of the whole child.