DCS Annual Golf Outing

Category: School Event

Date: July 27, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM

The Delavan Christian School Golf outing is rapidly approaching, and we are looking for golfers (andsponsorships!). The cost this year is once again $110 per person which covers the cost of lunch, 18 holes of golf at Delbrook Golf Club, and dinner from Greenies. The date is July 27, 2024, with lunch being provided from 12:00(noon)-12:45pm, golf starting at 1:00pm, and dinner at 6:00pm. For those wishing to come
to a dinner only, the cost is $30 per person. Please send checks to DCS and a list of golfers before July 9.

Golf Sponsorships Options:
ACE: $175
Sign at the hole, literature space at the vendor’s table, logo on the Sponsorship Board, logo and links on the DCS website and Facebook page.

BIRDIE: $500
Foursome for golf, lunch & dinner at the event, sign at the hole, literature space at the vendor’s table, logo on the Sponsorship Board, logo & link on the DCS website 

EAGLE: $1,200
Foursome for golf, lunch & dinner at the event, signage and recognition of sponsorship at the starter’s table, top billing on the Sponsorship Board, prominent placement of logo & link on the DCS website, a seat at the vendor’s table.

Prize donations are always greatly appreciated. We have often heard... “I golfed terrible but do you see the prize I won”

If you have any questions, please contact:
Chris O'Niel at coniel@johnsburg12.org, or Kent Soellner at kent@farmcityelevator.com